Category: Business Planning

Deferred Compensation

By Zarir J. Sethna
Posted on September 17, 2018

A nonqualified deferred compensation plan is an agreement between an employer and an executive to defer the payment and receipt of compensation to the future for services performed today. The employer makes an unsecured and unfunded promise to pay the amounts specified under the agreement to the executive at some future date. Nonqualified deferred compensation can be utilized in both the employer/executive and the employer/independent contractor context.

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Using a Business to Fund Life Insurance

By Zarir J. Sethna
Posted on May 21, 2018

For owners, owner-employees, and non-owner employees, personal insurance may be funded through the business a number of different ways. Cash value life insurance, in particular, is frequently employed due to the fact that it can provide long-term insurance protection for one’s family and estate planning needs, as well as act as a tax-efficient source of retirement accumulation funds.

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Alternatives to Cash on the Balance Sheet

By Zarir J. Sethna
Posted on March 6, 2018

A non-qualified deferred compensation plan is an agreement between an employer and an executive to defer the payment and receipt of compensation to the future for services performed today. The employer makes an unsecured and unfunded promise to pay the amounts specified under the agreement to the executive at some future date. Non-qualified deferred compensation can be utilized in both the employer/executive and the employer/independent contractor context.

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Key Person Life Insurance

By Zarir J. Sethna
Posted on January 14, 2018

A key employee is generally highly paid, responsible for management decisions, has a significant impact on sales, and has a special rapport with customers and creditors. A key employee may or may not be an owner.

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